I've just bought the Dictionary of Law, Economics and Accounting (English-Portuguese / Portuguese-English) written and published by Marcílio Moreira de Castro. It's sold only via his website: http://sites.google.com/site/marciliotradutor/Home/dicion%C3%A1rio-1 . First you deposit or transfer the money, then he mails it to you (85 reais for Brazil and 60 dollars for anywhere else - book + post). This is the second, revised edition. It's really very complete and much more than just a dictionary. His explanations are thorough and he includes comparative translations at the back.
You can read more (in Portuguese) about this excellent dictionary here:
I just made the purchase, and I heard wonderful things about his book.
ResponderExcluirI'm sure you'll like it. Of course no dictionary is perfect, but this one is truly useful.